media release

Perth Media Testimonial: Blockhead Technologies 'Excited to Reach a Global Audience Thanks to Perth Media's Excellent Network'

Blockhead Technologies - Supply Chain Intelligence Redefined

Blockhead Technologies - Supply Chain Intelligence Redefined

“Blockhead Technologies saw excellent success from the engagement of Perth Media to assist with the design and distribution of a press release that announced a global customer would be leveraging our software solutions.

Nationally, we featured in some of the top mining news publications, and internationally we saw reach in the media in Canada, Russia and also Yahoo News. We are excited to continue reaching a global audience thanks to Perth Media’s excellent network.”

 Josh Horneman - Advisor, Business Development, at Blockhead Technologies

Media results included feature articles in Mining Global (London) and Acuris’ Mergermarket.

New Perth Media Office: 10/117 Broadway, Nedlands

Come in and see us!

Come in and see us!

To celebrate our new office opening!

For the next month, we are offering exclusive Media Release writing services. For $500 (plus GST) we can draft a tailored media release/blog for your company/organisation with one of our experienced consultants.

Bryah Resources Testimonial for Perth Media: 'Management Well Prepared for Live Interviews'

Picture by Jess Wyld Photography, Perth Media recommended photographer.

Picture by Jess Wyld Photography, Perth Media recommended photographer.

'Cate Rocchi at Perth Media has been engaged by Bryah Resources since prior to its listing on ASX in 2017. 

'We have found Cate to be a dynamic and enthusiastic advocate for our company across all media channels. Cate’s extensive network of media contacts has allowed us to receive a huge amount of mainstream media coverage in what is a very difficult and crowded marketplace. This would not have been possible had we not had her promoting our story.  She has also been very helpful in getting management trained and well prepared for live media interviews. We are delighted that we have Perth Media managing our Public Relations.'

Neil Marston, MD of Bryah Resources (ASX:BYH)

Thanks Neil!

Interviews secured included publications such as, Paydirt, The West Australian, WA Business News, and ABC Radio.


Perth Media's New Service Brochure

Case Study: Small Business Captivate On Hold (global tech company based in Perth, Western Australia)

Graphic by Nic van Straalen, Perth Media

Graphic by Nic van Straalen, Perth Media

People often ask – what does a media company do?

Primarily Perth Media, responds to its client’s needs. All small business are on tight budgets and have different strengths, and we always try to offer real value for money and complement our client’s own areas of expertise. If the team in-house are good writers, then our team may focus on graphics or PR, for example. Or, if the client already has great media connections, our team may set up social media scheduling, content calendars and begin a video blog schedule or write a series of press releases to assist in-house PR.

 In the case of Mark Horwood (CEO of Captivate On Hold; former head of the Truffle Producers of Western Australia and one-time truffle farmer), it has been all about flexibility and being proactive. Perth Media support has promoted the truffle industry (in WA Business News, The Australian, many regional papers and ABC radio); achieved PR that resulted in the sale of Mark’s own truffle farm; established a long-term dialogue with key global tech reporters and media experts in the tech space for Captivate On Hold; brought home some excellent media results (WA Business and ABC radio); and facilitated a seamless, professional, consistent social media presence, including blogs, podcasts, content calendars, graphics and twitter/facebook campaigns.

Here is a testimonial from Mark Horwood, CEO of Captivate On Hold, for Perth Media. Captivate On Hold provides On Hold products for callers waiting on the telephone, one recently-launched is Interactive On Hold. Most of Captivate On Hold's clients are international, and the firm has an office in South Africa, as well as Perth.

‘Our small business needed a good PR consultancy to expand into global markets from a domestic Perth-based Australian company. None of the ‘big PR firms’ wanted to help as our budget was limited. I met Cate Rocchi through my then chair role of the Truffle Producers of Western Australia in the regional truffle capital of Australia – Manjimup.

Cate was energetic and positive and wanted to help. Her background was PR in agribusiness so we got on well. When time pressures dictated the sale of my profitable truffiere, I appointed Cate to assist with the PR to sell a high-priced property in a depressed market. She was brilliant, we had TV, radio and press articles about the property sale. Agents expected to take one year to sell – it sold in a week, full price cash. A well-orchestrated campaign by Perth Media paid off for me.

From there, my business appointed Perth Media to do another seemingly impossible task, make a 30-year business to look like a global corporation – on a budget.

Cate and her team have struggled to do everything needed within the meagre budget we provided. They achieved some amazing results in social media, improved our corporate presentation no end and have set the scene for the global expansion we requested from them.

Personally, Cate is an energetic woman whose effervescence leads greatness. Her business has grown dramatically with ours and the other clients she has taken on. I recommend Perth Media.’

Perth Media has designed a tailored monthly package for Captivate On Hold, please contact us for more details on 0428431699 today.


Press Release Express

Press Release Express: This is the most popular service, here at Perth Media....right now. A former financial journalist, with more than 20 years experience, can turn a conversation and news idea into a high-quality press release very efficiently.

Find yourself struggling with wording for days? Keep postponing your writing chores? Not happy with in-house press releases? Outsource this tricky task to a professional, so you can focus on running your business or organisation.

Press releases can be easily converted to high-quality interesting blogs, that can boost your google rankings. So not only can they help with media pitching your news story to the media, the same stories can be converted into content for e-newsletters and blogs (for facebook, linkedin, twitter and others).

If you have a news idea, call us now on 0428431699, and Perth Media will give you itsstraight forward common sense advice. If we think your readers will be interested in the news story, then Perth Media will craft your story(up to 600 words) within 24 hours.

Cost: $350 per high-quality, press/media release or $3600 (for one bespoke press/media release per month per annum).