Leadership WA

Innovation in Media: Research Project


Innovation and Media: Are you a reporter, working in-house in a comms department, and/or offer social media/branding services? What are you doing to innovate in the media sector. Am producing a series of podcast interviews/blogs on this for a Leadership WA project, as part of Signature program 2017. Please get in touch if you want to take part. If you are in Perth, I would like to pop out and meet up, but interstate or overseas also welcome via phone. Yes, it will be good info for Perth Media, where the blogs will feature, but also a learning tool for many.  Cate Rocchi, cate@perthmedia.com.au


PRINT profiling : Leadership WA workshop

Leadership WA is known for its unique leadership training programs. A vast number of professionals and individuals have taken courses from the organization and have seen a difference in their lives. I attended the first session of the PRINT workshop that was held at the Aloft hotel in Rivervale, Perth.

Leadership WA PRINT workshop

The session started at 12.30 pm and was hosted by Gene Howell, Leadership Development Manager. A couple of days before the session, participants were requested to fill a survey online, which would be used to create a PRINT profile. The survey was extensive and provided different scenarios and responses – based on each scenario and action, you can pick ‘a lot like me’ or ‘less like me’. Based on the answers, a score between 1-9 is allocated and major and minor motivators are identified. The results – that are handed over during the session – are comprehensive, covering the personality, potential best self behaviors and worst self behaviors (termed as shadow behaviors).

Gene explained how the major and minor motivators are linked to each other and what personality or behavior each number (between 1-9) corresponds to. He took the participants through detailed analysis of the PRINT report, talked us through possible behaviors and why we tend to behave the way we do. He also gave examples and insights on why certain individuals enjoy a specific type of work and how it is associated with their unconscious motivators.

There was also an activity after afternoon tea, where participants in each table were asked to make 15 paper cups in 20 minutes. The goal of the activity was to make us aware of our own strengths, motivation levels and shadow behaviors. The activity was effective since it did place a certain stress on the participants and while some coped well in pressure, some had trouble. Ultimately, we recognized our best self behaviors and our shadow behaviors which crop up from time to time based on situations.

The session also gave us an idea of what could potentially trigger our shadow behavior and some suggestions on how we could handle the triggers. Overall, the session was about creating self-awareness – which it did quite easily and simply. It helped me understand my motivators, potential shadow behaviors and helped me reflect on my actions and the way I work.

By Andal Shreedaran, Creative and Digital Consultant 

'Supportive Attitude, Pragmatic Approach and Huge Contribution': Leadership WA's Testimonial

Thank you Leadership WA for this thoughtful testimonial, it has given our small team a huge boost today, as we reflect on the past two years of working closely with this inspiring WA organisation.

'Perth Media has made a huge contribution to Leadership WA’s mission to help create an environment in Western Australia in which great and thoughtful leaders thrive and have the greatest possible impact.  Cate Rocchi and her team have consistently produced high-quality content for us, including the "10 Minutes onLeadership with . . . " Series published in WA Business News for the past year. Cate has also been instrumental in coverage of us in The Australian; ABC Radio’s The Country Hour; Oil & Gas Australia, and various community and rural publications such as The Kalgoorlie Miner, Pilbara News, and The Guardian Express.

I have particularly appreciated Cate’s guidance as we made the transition to a new brand and logo, and reshaped the vision and strategy for our organization.  She has helped me understand how we should best present ourselves, how we can most effectively explain what elements we are changing and what we are keeping, and how we can position ourselves in various media formats. Cate has also been generous in introducing me to potential sponsors and other supporters, and in promoting our programs and courses to her broader network.

Perth Media’s contributions were invaluable in helping me settle in as Leadership WA’s CEO, and in enabling us to make the best use of the media and branding opportunities available to us.  Our media profile has increased significantly because of our collaboration with Perth Media over the past two years.  

I am confident Cate Rocchi’s expertise, pragmatic approach, and supportive attitude will make Perth Media a valuable partner for any organization.'

- Leadership WA CEO Robin McClellan

Perth Media's Content Featuring Wesfarmers' Richard Goyder in WA Business News

Photograph by Perth Media: Leadership WA's Robin McClellan with Wesfarmers' Richard Goyder

Photograph by Perth Media: Leadership WA's Robin McClellan with Wesfarmers' Richard Goyder

Perth Media produced written and visual content continues to roll out in WA Business News digital. Fascinating discussions/articles on leadership, profiling conversations between Leadership WA CEO Robin McClellan and Australian business and community leaders. This series will run for several months.


Perth Media: Big Concrete Results For Australian Vanadium Ltd and Leadership WA


Perth Media back office media work has paid concrete dividends for a number of clients recently, including Australian Vanadium Ltd and Leadership WA, as both profiles continue to build -  to the general public and targeted audiences.

Perth Media client, AVL Ltd, has featured in a number of excellent business stories, after Australian Stock Exchange announcements were distributed and media pitched via Perth Media's Business/Resources/Mining Database (250+ reporters/editors/journalists in Australia and internationally). Results included stories in The West Australian; Mining News; Mining Journal; NT News; and Renew Economy.





10 Minutes on Leadership series with WA Business News and Leadership WA is rolling out weekly, digitally. Much of the content (including photographs) has been produced by Perth Media, and it is a fantastic result for the client, showcasing some of Australia's top business and community leaders.

Here are the first two, Andrew Harding (Rio Tinto) and Andrew Crane (CBH)





Two Public Sector Stars: Leadership WA Award Winners Announced - Frank Daly and Colleen Hayward

Leadership WA award winners Frank Daly (Acting chief executive of the Child and Adolescent Health Service)  and Colleen Hayward - head of Kurongkurl Katitjin, Edith Cowan University's Centre of Indigenous Education and Research. 

Leadership WA award winners Frank Daly (Acting chief executive of the Child and Adolescent Health Service)  and Colleen Hayward - head of Kurongkurl Katitjin, Edith Cowan University's Centre of Indigenous Education and Research. 


For immediate release 25 November 2015

Two Public Sector Stars Take Out Leadership WA’s Most Prestigious Awards

Winners Announced: Perth Children’s Hospital head Professor Frank Daly and ECU’s Professor Colleen Hayward

TWO of Western Australia’s brightest public sector stars were awarded the state’s most prestigious leadership honours, at a Leadership WA ceremony in Perth last night.

Professor Frank Daly – acting chief executive of the Child and Adolescent Health Service and responsible for leading the $1.2 billion Perth Children’s Hospital Project – took out the Distinguished Fellow Award for 2015. While Professor Colleen Hayward – head of Kurongkurl Katitjin, Edith Cowan University’s Centre for Indigenous Education and Research – received the Honorary Fellow Award.

The awards acknowledge leaders who have shown exceptional levels of leadership, community contribution and support of the work of Leadership WA. 

Michael McNulty, chairman of Leadership WA, said: “The Distinguished Fellow Award and Honorary Fellow Award winners both embody the core values of Leadership WA – ethical leadership, respect for diversity, accepting and guiding change, and community service.”

Mr McNulty said was delighted to recognise Professor Frank Daly as the Distinguished Fellow. “Frank is responsible for leading the $1.2 billion Perth Children’s Hospital Project which is underway and due to open next year,” he said. “It is also my privilege to name former Leadership WA board member Colleen Hayward as this year’s Honorary Fellow. Colleen is an exceptional woman and has been formally recognised many times for her long-standing work on behalf of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities across Australia.”

Professor Daly said he was not sure he deserved to be singled out, as so many Leadership WA fellows provide inspirational leadership to WA communities. “Leadership WA is important to me personally – the Signature Program 2010 gave me the confidence to take on greater leadership challenges and to understand the value that leadership can provide,” he said. On leadership lessons learnt, Professor Daly said: “Great things will happen when your personal values are aligned to the values of the team you are leading. Bring energy and an open mind to problems. Think about people. Be prepared to be courageous and take risks, there are times when resilience is important.”

Professor Colleen Hayward said being awarded the 2015 Honorary Fellow was unexpected and truly humbling. “Nowadays we hear lots about leadership, but too often the development of leadership capability is left to chance or we rely on a mentor as though a single person could be all things on the question of leadership,” she said. “The programs offered by Leadership WA leave nothing to chance. They are tailored to need and each is challenging – causing people to really assess their thinking, to reflect on their views and to sharpen all they do in the leadership space. They do this while introducing participants to new experiences, the likes of which they would be unlikely to otherwise get. That the programs are supported by so many high-profile and accomplished leaders speaks volumes for the support Leadership WA enjoys. I have long been a supporter of Leadership WA and all it does.”

Leadership WA is now assessing applications for its Rising Leadership Program 2016. Go to www.leadershipwa.com.au

Media Enquries
Coralie Bishop, Marketing and Business Development Manager

9369 6777 or 04025 775 757

Cate Rocchi, Perth Media, cate@perthmedia.com.au; 0428431699

About Professor Frank Daly

Professor Frank Daly works for the Department of Health in WA and has been the acting chief executive of the Child and Adolescent Health Service and Perth Children’s Hospital commissioning since May, 2015. CAHS comprises three areas of service delivery: child and adolescent community health; child and adolescent mental health; and the Princess Margaret Hospital. He is also responsible for leading the $1.2 billion Perth Children’s Hospital project which is due to open in 2016.

Prior to this role, Frank was chief executive of the South Metropolitan Health Service. He is also a trained doctor and has worked as an academic at the Centre for Clinical Research in Emergency Medicine, University of Western Australia and Harry Perkins Institute for Medical Research.

His leadership journey started when he established the first clinical toxicology services in WA more than a decade ago and subsequently became head of the Emergency Department at Royal Perth Hospital (RPH) from 2006 to 2008. His other roles have included leading clinician engagement in health service innovation, quality and safety and service improvement.  He was director for Clinical Reform at RPH and the state Executive Clinical Lead for the Western Australian Four Hour Program.

Frank completed the Leadership WA Signature Program in 2010. Since then he has worked with Country Arts WA, the Conservation Council of WA and mentored a number of young leaders.

David Russell-Weisz, director general of the Department of Health of WA, nominated Professor Daly for the award.

He said Professor Daly led major reconfiguration of health services in the south metropolitan area. “He ensured patient safety and the smooth transition of services and staff across multiple hospital sites,” said Mr Russell-Weisz. “This was a mammoth task, which saw him working in the frontlines with staff after hours and at weekends, supporting them at difficult and critical moments in the transition program. The system has great confidence in Frank, so much that he was chosen to lead the complex commissioning of the Perth Children's Hospital and running of the Child and Adolescent Health Service.”

“Although Frank is an experienced doctor, he continuously seeks to improve his leadership and knowledge of administration. In 2014, Frank completed the Australian Institute of Company Directors Program as well as an international study tour of US high performing health services with the Kings Fund (UK).”

About Professor Colleen Hayward

Professor Colleen Hayward is a senior Noongar woman with extensive family links throughout the south-west of WA. She comes from a teaching family, with both her parents and two siblings having been teachers – her father was the first Aboriginal teacher, and principal, in WA. She is Head of Kurongkurl Katitjin, Edith Cowan University’s Centre for Indigenous Education and Research and concurrently holds the position of Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Equity and Indigenous across the University.

For more than 30 years, Colleen has provided significant input to policies and programs on a wide range of issues, reflecting the needs of minority groups at community, state and national levels. She has an extensive background in a range of areas including health, education, training, employment, housing, child protection and law and justice. In much of this work, she draws on her qualifications which include a Diploma of Teaching, a Bachelor of Education, a Bachelor of Applied Science in Aboriginal Community Management and Development and a Post Graduate Certificate in Cross Sector Partnerships from Cambridge University.

Among her many achievements, Colleen has been recognised for her long-standing work for and on behalf of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities across Australia by being named a finalist in the national Deadlys Awards in the category of Outstanding Achievement in Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Health (2008) and by winning the 2008 National NAIDOC Aboriginal Person of the Year Award.

Colleen is also a recipient (2006) of the Premier of WA’s prestigious Multicultural Ambassador’s Award for advancing human rights and anti-racism in the community and is the 2009 inductee into the WA Department of Education’s Hall of Fame for Achievement in Aboriginal Education. In 2011, she completed her term as a foundation member of the inaugural Board of the National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples.

In 2012, Colleen was inducted into the Western Australian Women’s Hall of Fame, was recognised as a Member in the General Division of the Order of Australia and made a Western Australian Ambassador for Children and Young People. In 2015, Colleen was named as one of WA’s 100 most influential West Australians and was a finalist in the Aboriginal Award category of the 2015 Western Australian of the Year Awards and the Australian of the Year (Western Australia) Awards. Furthermore, in 2015, Colleen awarded one of Murdoch University’s Distinguished Alumni for her work in the areas of Equity and Social Justice.

Colleen recently co-authored a book entitled:  Teaching Indigenous Students: Cultural awareness and classroom strategies for improving learning outcomes, released by Allen & Unwin.

Background: Leadership WA Awards

The annual Leadership WA Awards acknowledge leaders who have shown exceptional levels of leadership, community contribution and support of the work of Leadership WA.

Distinguished Fellow Award is for Fellows of Leadership WA who have actively engaged and made a significant contribution to the Western Australian community. In order to be eligible nominees must meet the following criteria:

·       be a graduate of a Leadership WA program and maintained Fellow membership status for five years or more;

·       have made an outstanding and enduring contribution to the Western Australian community; and

·       embody the core values of Leadership WA; ethical leadership, respect for diversity, accepting and guiding change and community service.

2013 Distinguished Fellow Award – Justine Colyer, CEO, Rise Network

2014 Distinguished Fellow Award – David Thomas, General Manager, R2R Services

Honorary Fellow Award is for Western Australian leaders who have made a significant and enduring contribution to Leadership WA.

In order to be eligible nominees must meet the following criteria:

·       be a leader living in Western Australia;

·       have made a positive impact on the work and/or governance of Leadership WA over five years or more;

·       embody the core values of Leadership WA; ethical leadership, respect for diversity, accepting and guiding change and community service; and

·       nominees need not be graduates of a Leadership WA program.

 2013 Honorary Fellow Award – Dr Walter Cox

2014 Honorary Fellow Award – David Rose, Independent Consultant, David Rose Consulting





Leadership WA Welcomes US Futurist Dr David E Martin

Leadership WA CEO Robin McClellan and US futurist Dr David E Martin. Picture: Perth Media. 

Leadership WA CEO Robin McClellan and US futurist Dr David E Martin. Picture: Perth Media.


‘Creativity Needs to be Harnessed so WA Economy Can Move Forward’

A GLOBAL business executive and futurist says Western Australia will need to embrace a cultural shift in thinking over the next five to 15 years.

Dr David E Martin said Western Australia had always been focused on producing commodities.

There is a particular social view that one takes when you are essentially pushing commodities into the global market and typically that means you have to be responsive, and ultimately beholden, to things that live outside your control,” Dr Martin said.

He said commodity-sourcing enterprises see themselves and build themselves into high responsivity but they do not necessarily have high vision.

“One of the challenges for Perth and Western Australia is to take a step back and say – rather than having people dictate to us what they need – I think the real challenge and real emergent property around leadership is around letting creativity grow,” Dr Martin said.

Perth had a global, cosmopolitan population. “This global pulse could give rise to a new generation of leadership in Perth which can start articulating unique values from this place rather than be responsive to demands from other places,” he said.

“I think culturally there needs to be a big shift and that is possible. But it brings about some interesting identity issues because, when you have had to be relatively conservative to be accommodative to the supply chain, there is a huge challenge as people need to move into visionary leadership roles from what has traditionally been functional leadership.”

Dr Martin predicts there will be a big pivot in the way of thinking in Perth over the next 5, 10, 15 years. “It is a cultural shift – you can’t put together a 10 step self-help program to get there, you actually have to take some new narratives and new structures,” he said. “And those are the things that are going to be what makes Perth exciting going forward.”

Leadership WA CEO Robin McClellan, who organized for Dr Martin to take part in Leadership WA’s Leader in Residence program, met him on a recent visit to Antarctica. That trip was held by The Unstoppables, a group of Australian entrepreneurs who are committed to development that is purposeful as well as profitable.

 “Dr Martin was one of the most inspiring figures on our expedition – he is an innovator, communicator, and catalyst and his insights will deepen our discussion of the Leadership WA theme of natural resources and sustainability,” Ms McClellan said.

 Leadership WA is now assessing applications for its Signature Leadership Program. Go to www.leadershipwa.com.au

About Dr David E Martin

Dr David E Martin lives in Virginia, US. From the halls of Parliaments and Congress to HBO comedy, Dr David Martin – founder and Chairman of M•CAM – takes on some of the world’s most complex economic and social themes with solutions that he’s deployed in over 160 countries. Described as a futurist, fulcrum ninja, economist, and global business executive, David disarms the most ardent pessimists with the evidence that, with the right perspective, we can tackle any perceived problem and achieve extraordinary outcomes.  In a televised speech in 2006, David correctly forecast the US housing financial crisis and identified it as a catalyst for the 2008 Global Financial Crisis.  

David says in Perth he is unusually adopting a public profile, in light of the Leadership WA Leader in Residence program and the film screening of Future Dreaming in Perth.