Public Relations

Perth Media MD Cate Rocchi Attends Australia-Korea Business Council Perth Dinner

Working for Australia-Korea Business Council, our MD Cate Rocchi was delighted to attend a special dinner for members, sponsored by Pilbara Minerals, in Perth in 2021.

It was attended by representatives from POSCO as well as Pilbara Minerals MD Ken Brinsden and other special guests including Elizabeth Court of Private Wealth Management. PWC’s Clare Pope, who is the chair of the AKBC’s Critical Minerals Sub Committee, hosted the event.

Australia-Korea Business Council Work Promotes Korean President Moon’s Visit to Australia and Meeting with Australian Critical Mineral Miners

Media Work with the Australia-Korea Business Council Continues into 2022

Perth Media Managing Director Cate Rocchi said: “We are delighted to work with this innovative not-for-profit organisation as its Korean and Australian members look to build long-term, mutually-beneficial business relationships.”

To date our work has included promoting a meeting by Korean President Moon and high-level critical minerals miners in Sydney, Australia in December, 2021, and distributing an AKBC report on critical minerals.

“In January 2022, we are researching and promoting a second report into food and beverage trends and we are also looking forward to engaging with many Australian reporters on that growing export opportunity,” Ms Rocchi said.

The Chairman of AKBC is Simon Crean and the Executive Director is Liz Griffin.


ABC TV News Report on Critical Minerals

President Moon of Korea, AKBC Chairman Simon Crean and Executive Director Liz Griffin

Perth Media News

As Western Australia experiences increasing business activity, Perth Media’s clients are releasing more news. Here are our top recent results:

1.         A successful Media Conference, organised by Perth Media, for Blockhead Technologies in August, 2020. Perth business reporters saw $300,000 of gold bullion on display.  A presentation was made by Blockhead CEO Greg Leach, and representatives from ABC Refinery also attended. Coverage included Stockhead -  Gold Fraud is on the Rise but New Tech Is Helping Stomp it Out, S&P Global, Miningnews and Business News featured New Tracing App for Gold.

2.          Acuris and Stockhead covered Bryah Resources ongoing results and deal making while Paydirt featured the junior explorer substantially in its annual Diggers and Dealers Preview edition.


Source: ABC Refinery

Software Company – Blockhead Technologies – and Australian gold processor ABC Refinery enter partnership to trace gold bullion.

Media Monitoring: Perth Media's Top 5 Recent PR Results

Renascor with David Christensen.png

Perth Media continues to log excellent results. Our top five recent include three ASX-listed clients as well as two of Perth Media’s Adapters clients: one utilising our Written Adapters service and the other advertising her brand through our first ever Adapters Film.

 1. Australian Mining Review’s ‘In the Spotlight’ series focused on Renascor Resources Managing Director, David Christensen.

 2. Prestigious global financial publication Acuris/Mergermarket featured Bryah Resources after an interview at Diggers & Dealers last month: ‘Bryah Resources could seek further JV opportunities as manganese strategy advances.’

 3. Adapters Film is up and running. Here is the first: Marina’s Ambrosia short film.

 4. Several clients appeared in Stockhead, including Australian Vanadium Limited, on lower vanadium prices prompting new Vanadium Redox Flow Battery (VRFB) developments.

 5. Through our Written Adapters product, Raj Singh of RealIQ outlined his novel co-living accommodation developments in India.

- Janine Taylor, Consultant, Perth Media


Perth Media Testimonial: Public Relations Campaign for Advanced Energy Resources on Refurbished Wind Turbines ‘Results Speak for Themselves’


On 19 June 2019, Perth Media ran a campaign on behalf of Advanced Energy Resources (AER).

Founded in 2006, AER is a WA electricity generator and retailer focused on supplying 100% renewable energy to its customers by 2025. Construction of its 3.5MW wind, solar and battery project will power GMA Garnet’s wet plant operations 40km south of Kalbarri in WA, a region of generally weak electricity network coverage.

On Perth Media’s successful media campaign, AER business development manager Steve Wall said: “When we announced our Australian-first 3.5MW Wind/Solar/Battery hybrid project to supply a mine in the Mid-West, we were determined to gain maximum exposure for our success.

“Cate and her team worked quickly and enthusiastically to ensure our story was embraced by a large number of industry, regional and general media outlets – including requests for interviews.”

Funding of $3 million by the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA), the Federal Government’s renewable energy programs manager, furthers its Advancing Renewables Program by commercially trialling AER’s back-to-back inverter technology. This, and the use of refurbished turbines, is a world first.

“Perth Media displayed a good understanding of AER’s business and the renewable energy industry in WA. The results spoke for themselves.” - Steve Wall, business development manager of Advanced Energy Resources.