Case Studies

Nativ Carbon

Perth Media provided high-level public relations and government relations services for Western Australian company Nativ Carbon which has recently planted more than 1.2 million biodiverse seedlings in the Wheatbelt for Australian Carbon Credit Units.

Click links to view media results from a 2022 campzaign: Countryman and WA regional newspapers; National Indigenous Times; and WA Country Hour on ABC.


Australia-Korea Business Council

Perth Media has worked from 2021-2022 on a series of public relations and research projects for organisation Australia-Korea Business Council.

Media results from campaigns were widespread and prestigious. They include: Australian Financial Review; Sydney Morning Herald; ABC TV News; and the West Australian.


Rockcliffe Winery

We have worked with Rockcliffe Winery in 2022 and achieved some extraordinary results. These include: Australian Financial Review; ABCTV News; and The West Australian and regional syndications.
