Australian Vanadium

Media Monitoring: Perth Media's Top 5 Recent PR Results

Renascor with David Christensen.png

Perth Media continues to log excellent results. Our top five recent include three ASX-listed clients as well as two of Perth Media’s Adapters clients: one utilising our Written Adapters service and the other advertising her brand through our first ever Adapters Film.

 1. Australian Mining Review’s ‘In the Spotlight’ series focused on Renascor Resources Managing Director, David Christensen.

 2. Prestigious global financial publication Acuris/Mergermarket featured Bryah Resources after an interview at Diggers & Dealers last month: ‘Bryah Resources could seek further JV opportunities as manganese strategy advances.’

 3. Adapters Film is up and running. Here is the first: Marina’s Ambrosia short film.

 4. Several clients appeared in Stockhead, including Australian Vanadium Limited, on lower vanadium prices prompting new Vanadium Redox Flow Battery (VRFB) developments.

 5. Through our Written Adapters product, Raj Singh of RealIQ outlined his novel co-living accommodation developments in India.

- Janine Taylor, Consultant, Perth Media


Perth Media Welcomes South Australian Graphite Play Renascor Resources


Perth Media announced today it will be promoting Renascor Resources which has a globally-significant graphite project, Siviour in South Australia.

Perth Media managing director Cate Rocchi said: “We are delighted that Renascor and its MD David Christensen have chosen to work with our team of highly-skilled media experts.

“We are also looking forward to learning more about the future demand for graphite globally.”

Renascor (ASX:RNU) is one of three ASX-listed companies that Perth Media promotes to both media and investors, using a range of media and content services. The others are Bryah Resources (ASX:BYH) and Australian Vanadium (ASX:AVL).

Several short films on Renascor are soon to be released, as part of the first round of media work.

The new contract is significant. It is the first time Perth Media will work with an Adelaide-based resources company.

“We continue to organically grow as Perth Media’s reputation for good service, integrity and high-quality spreads,” Ms Rocchi said.

Corporate Film Making

In other news, Perth Media is currently producing several fully-scripted, corporate, films. They are used by customers as assets to ‘pitch’ to investors and potential clients. “Some of our productions have resulted in lucrative contracts for clients. Films are highly effective at succinctly communicating messages about what products/services are on offer,” said Ms Rocchi. “We are seeing companies spending $10,000-$20,000 on a corporate film resulting in landing contracts of many millions. But the quality has to be good, time has to be taken to write good scripts and film makers must be skilled.”

Perth Media Official Partner for Energy and Mines Summit in Perth, June 29-30, 2018

Australia becoming the Global Centre for Renewables for Mines

Perth, Australia, April 25, 2018: As recent project announcements show, the number of Australian mining operators seriously assessing and investing in renewables is growing rapidly. Driven by favourable economics and additional benefits including carbon reductions and social license, major and mid-tier Australian mines are adopting renewables.

South32 recently announced its 3MW solar farm for its Cannington mine in Queensland for which SunSHIFT is providing its re-deployable solar solution. Once complete, this will be the second largest solar project for a remote, off-grid Australian mine.

Similarly, Image Resources is investing in a 3-4 MW solar farm adjacent to its Boonanarring mine and processing plant, which are currently under construction. This ‘behind the meter’ solution will deliver around 25% of the facilities electricity needs. GMA Garnet, a leading supplier of garnet used in blasting and water jet cutting, has locked in energy prices for the next 13 years for its Western Australia operations through a long-term power purchase agreement for wind and solar.

OZ Minerals also recently announced plans to build a solar and battery storage facility at its Prominent Hill mine in South Australia, and is looking at further investments in renewables to support other projects in the region. The mine also became the first resource company to sign a transmission cost partnership with a renewables developer through its recent deal with SolarReserve.

Finally, New Century Resources is investing in SunSHIFT’s portable and scalable solar system to supply power for the refurbishment of its Century mine at $120/MWh which is a fraction of the $400/MWh it had been paying to run diesel during Care & Maintenance.  And Copper Mines of Tasmania (CMT) has an ambitious plan to make Mt Lyell on Tasmania's west coast Australia's first zero emissions mine through investments in electrification and renewables.

In addition to these projects, there is quite simply a wealth of major mines and mid-tier leaders at various stages if assessing and approving renewable energy investments for remote and grid-tied sites. While these projects are not yet public, many will be showcased at this year’s Energy and Mines Australia Summit on June 27-28 in Perth.

"What we are seeing is quite a transformation in the market around mining companies' appetites to adopt renewable energy generation,” comments Will Rayward-Smith, General Manager, SunSHIFT. "Scalability is very important because mining companies want to include a renewable option but may not want to progress to a high penetration system straight away.”

"At sites where we also integrate wind, the mine can offset more than 70% of its fossil fuel usage,” observes Amiram Roth-Deblon, Head of Global Business Initiatives, juwi Renewable Energies. “We are currently designing such solar-wind-battery hybrids for multiple sites in Western Australia."

This heightened activity has positioned Australia as the fastest growing market for renewables for mines.  Senior mining representatives are now preparing to meet with global renewables experts in Perth this June 27-28 to discuss renewables integration. This 2nd annual Energy and Mines Australia Summit, features presenters from BHP, Sandfire Resources, Fortescue Metals Group, Rio Tinto, South32, Nyrstar, Oz Minerals, Australian Vanadium, Panoramic Resources, Montezuma Mining Company, Resolute Mining and Gold Fields.

SunSHIFT is the in association sponsor for the Summit which offers a complete picture of current opportunities and challenges in integrating alternative energy options for remote, fringe-of-grid, and grid-connected mines. The Summit is also being supported by juwi Renewable Energies, VSUN Energy, Hatch, Aggreko, Zenith Energy, and ONETIDE Modular Systems.

For more details on these projects and the upcoming Summit visit Energy and Mines Australia Summit website.

About Energy and Mines:

Energy and Mines is the leading global information and event media provider for energy management and operations of the mining sector. Through its global Summit series (Canada, South Africa, Chile, UK, Australia) web portal and newsletter, Energy and Mines brings together the mining and renewable energy sectors to drive solutions for affordable, reliable and sustainable power for mines.

Contact: Adrienne Baker, Director, Energy and Mines, or +1 819 319 3101


Hong Kong Mines & Money Take Homes: Karratha tipped to be Global Mining City; Quant Funds Using AI to Trade ASX; Upping China IQ; and Claims Investors Using Lie Detectors on Conference Calls


Small event, but some big fish showed and Perth Media will return in 2019.

HK Mines and Money 2018 Top Take Homes: Karratha is predicted to be one of world’s key mining cities; massive global quant funds using AI to trade in the milliseconds after ASX announcements go up; some traders are sending in drones to check on minesite activity and then shorting the stocks; others are monitoring companies with google earth and algorithms linked to social media to pick up emotive responses to companies; and many investors are switching on lie detectors on their smartphones to gather information on company leaders.

While not as many attendees as the last time I attended in 2010, speakers were excellent.

1.     Karratha and Pilbara to Rocket. Heavyweight international investors raved about the potential wealth development in the Pilbara, Western Australia. Many were making a real attempt to increase their own Pilbara knowledge, especially in the wake of China’s One Belt One Road expansion policies. Netherlands-based Willem Middelkoop, founder and chief investment officer of the Commodity Discovery Fund, says Karratha will be a major regional mining city in future. Keith Spence (Canada-based Global Mining Capital Corp) also has WA companies with Pilbara assets firmly in his sights.

2.     Investors Switching on Smart Phones with Lie Detectors/Drones Checking Minesite Activity. Frank Holmes, US Global Investors, was a standout speaker. He claims 70 per cent of stock trades now are done by quantitative funds (quants) using algorithms and artificial intelligence. Where once banks and big institutions focused on building teams of traditional finance analysts, things had rapidly changed. Claims were made that Vanguard, for example, has 50 people working on AI. Data collection is cheaper, easier and more efficient than ever. Fund managers are also switching on lie detectors on their smart phones when they took conference calls from MDs of mining companies, some investors targeting stocks to short were sending in drones over minesites to check real activity. One trader used google earth to monitor car parks of US department store Sears to check if company announcements accurately reflected actual visitors to stores. IE they counted the cars remotely. Some superb tips on how to strategically link your real time communications strategy to a rising stock price, in a fast-changing world. But you will have to sign up Perth Media to learn more about that! The quants are trading in milliseconds using emotive algorithms. While it was clear some knew much of this already, some miners in the room were bemused. ‘Don’t be intimidated by it, but you have to know what is going on,' Holmes said.

3.     6 Minute Pitches. Holmes again. He bluntly advised: if you want millennials to invest in mining, make your pitches efficient and concise in 6 minutes. No one wants to hear hour-long explanations of maps. If pitches didn’t improve and trading wasn’t made easier, the mining (particularly juniors) will continue to lose investment to easily-tradeable cryptocurrencies.

4.     Beware of letting risk adverse lawyers crush your press release. Your company’s narrative is crucial. If overly cautiously, your stock will fall, says Holmes.

5.     One Belt One Road. Rather than a resurrection of the single ancient Silk Road, this is more like a big octopus. It is a policy that is like many tentacles of many roads, leading to many joint projects in various countries, particularly Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Australia. There are many many more regions that have been earmarked by central Beijing for supply of raw materials for mega infrastructure such as bridges and rail networks. Jay Roberge, of Tehanna Capital, advises all, to seriously upgrade your China IQ. Last year the first cargo train went non stop from China to London, and don’t forget that China has put environmental protection at the top of the list of priorities. That policy will impact on decision making. All speaking agreed One Belt One Road will mean long-term huge demand for iron ore for steel.

6.     Intellectual Capital is Gold. Rick Rule (Sprott US Holdings), another heavyweight, reminded younger, less burnt investors, to follow intellectual capital and look less at the physical asset and the mineralization of the juniors, but more at the entrepreneurial leadership. ‘That strategy has served me very well over time,’ he said.

After being burnt from investing in California, he says: ‘the most dangerous politician is the one closest to you.’ He prefers tier 1 deposits in tier 3 countries to tier 3 deposits in tier 1 countries.  And don't forget. ‘Investors are not rational,’ Rule said.

- Cate Rocchi, Perth Media CEO

In Hong Kong last week, Perth Media organised media interviews for our client Australian Vanadium with Bloomberg, S&P Global, and Financial Times (London). Do you need some media assistance? Please get in touch.

Perth Media CEO Cate Rocchi with S&P Global reporter Tracy Yang, in Hong Kong, last week.

Perth Media CEO Cate Rocchi with S&P Global reporter Tracy Yang, in Hong Kong, last week.




Perth Energy and Mines Summit Top Take Homes

Last week at the Energy and Mines Summit, Perth company Advanced Energy Resources (AER) announced it signed a long-term power purchase agreement with GMA Garnet to build a 3 megawatt wind and solar farm with battery storage near Kalbarri, Western Au…

Last week at the Energy and Mines Summit, Perth company Advanced Energy Resources (AER) announced it signed a long-term power purchase agreement with GMA Garnet to build a 3 megawatt wind and solar farm with battery storage near Kalbarri, Western Australia.

Diesel fuel rebate not helping miners move to renewable energy; contracts evolving to squarely put responsibility of delivery onto the shoulders of energy providers; and 'green is the new black'

1. There are some seriously big renewable projects (especially wind/solar) coming on stream in Australia integrating with mining operations. Just last week Advanced Energy Resources announced a deal with GMA Garnet in WA.

2. Miners are talking openly, at industry conferences, about social impact and responsibly reducing carbon footprint. Being a good corporate citizen is now viewed by many in industry as offering value to shareholders, and something that will ultimately increase bottom lines.

3. On balance sheets, the diesel fuel rebate is not assisting Australian miners to justify investment in renewables, but they are doing it anyway.

4. Creativity and collaboration is essential in this industry as leading players seek to learn from the mistakes and experience of others. Speakers last week in Perth spoke openly about mistakes, disagreements and sought advice from eachother.

5. The global leaders in this space are seriously smart, as they have extremely complex engineering, logistical and corporate problems to solve. Intellectual capacity was well above average at this mining conference.

6. Funding for projects is coming from equity, banks, government (ARENA) and direct private investment. Some Australian miners, owned by overseas interests, are taking a long view, and investing heavily in renewables.

7. Some miners are planning to share renewable power set ups with local indigenous communities. This would be a game changer for many communities in northern Australia, when roads are under water during the wet season and diesel cant be trucked in. The miners are not announcing this yet, but they plan to share their power facilities in some cases.

8. Contracting Trends: One popular panel discussion talked about how miners want renewable suppliers to bring solutions in the tendering process. Tell us how you are going to solve our needs, the speaker said. Overall the message is clear, miners mine. Miners are looking for energy specialists to bring knowledge and the a plan for delivery to the table.

9. Some miners, generating/storing their own power, are planning to shut down operations when energy prices are high and sell back to the grid. They will make more money doing this than producing their own products.

10. 'Green is the new black,' says Phillip Mak, (Global Head of Resources, Energy and Northern Australia at National Australia Bank). He says way more renewable projects seeking funding, on visits to his office, than coal these days.

11. Australia is on the verge of a serious shift in energy supply. Atmosphere/buzz at the conference was electric. The atmosphere reminiscent of a Diggers & Dealers Conference in the 1990s, on the verge of a spike in the gold price.

12. No one talked about 'clean coal'.

By Cate Rocchi, CEO of Perth Media.

Cate visited the Energy and Mines Summit in Perth last week. Perth Media was an official sponsor of the event. She chaired a panel at the conference that discussed financing renewables.  Perth Media's clients include VSUN Energy, Australian Vanadium, Bryah Resources and Veritas.

Perth Media Produced Film (with Courtney Waller) for VSUN Energy on Busselton Battery Install

A terrific short film for VSUN Energy, Perth Media produced for less than $1500. Well done Courtney Waller.

Photo: Perth Media

Perth Media at the Dowerin Field Day 2016: Real Films About Real People

Film Maker Courtney Waller on location at the Dowerin Field Day, with Perth Media

Film Maker Courtney Waller on location at the Dowerin Field Day, with Perth Media

Headed to the Wheatbelt last week with Film Maker Courtney Waller, and he recorded Perth Media's journey and some colourful bush characters.

Perth Media represents many rural and regional clients including Partners in Grain WA and the Isolated Children's Parents' Association. Others such as H2OX, Australian Vanadium Ltd and Linkwest have members or customers in the regions.

Here is a fabulous video Courtney made of the day.

Films/videos are simply often the easiest and best way to tell your customers, audience and members what you do, as well as promote a transparent culture within your organisation.

At Perth Media, we produce very cost effective films, and can turn them around fast.

Fact: By 2017, video is expected to account for 69% of all consumer internet traffic, says Cisco. Rapid growth is expected to continue.

Here is the video on The Dowerin Field Day: take a look!

The Larger than Life Dowerin Field Day in Western Australia

The Larger than Life Dowerin Field Day in Western Australia

Perth Media: Big Concrete Results For Australian Vanadium Ltd and Leadership WA


Perth Media back office media work has paid concrete dividends for a number of clients recently, including Australian Vanadium Ltd and Leadership WA, as both profiles continue to build -  to the general public and targeted audiences.

Perth Media client, AVL Ltd, has featured in a number of excellent business stories, after Australian Stock Exchange announcements were distributed and media pitched via Perth Media's Business/Resources/Mining Database (250+ reporters/editors/journalists in Australia and internationally). Results included stories in The West Australian; Mining News; Mining Journal; NT News; and Renew Economy.

10 Minutes on Leadership series with WA Business News and Leadership WA is rolling out weekly, digitally. Much of the content (including photographs) has been produced by Perth Media, and it is a fantastic result for the client, showcasing some of Australia's top business and community leaders.

Here are the first two, Andrew Harding (Rio Tinto) and Andrew Crane (CBH)