
Perth Media Organising a Table for #USTOO with Catherine Marriott


More than 70% of rural Australian women experience sexual harassment/assault in their lifetime. This is a big issue for Australia, it also impacts on economic productivity. Join this important conversation on October 31, 2018 in Perth.

Men and women, you are welcome on the Perth Media table. Tickets are $195. Please contact, by October 11, if you want to sit on our table with some rural reporters.

Innovation in Media: Research Project


Innovation and Media: Are you a reporter, working in-house in a comms department, and/or offer social media/branding services? What are you doing to innovate in the media sector. Am producing a series of podcast interviews/blogs on this for a Leadership WA project, as part of Signature program 2017. Please get in touch if you want to take part. If you are in Perth, I would like to pop out and meet up, but interstate or overseas also welcome via phone. Yes, it will be good info for Perth Media, where the blogs will feature, but also a learning tool for many.  Cate Rocchi,