
Events: 85% of Marketers Say They Are Essential

There are so many reasons why PR organises events, along side marketing teams. For starters, it creates original content, generates momentum, builds relationships and inspires journalists to learn and write stories about your organisation.

Hosting events is one of the many ways Perth Media attracts media attention for your company. This is a slide which is part of an education presentation to Quorum in Perth on Tuesday morning. Explaining why PR is important. - Cate Rocchi

Women in Print Workshop

More than 40 women attended the ‘Women in Print’ workshop, featuring professional speaker and trainer Bernadette Schwedt last week in Perth. The breakfast event was attended by women from printing businesses, media, graphic designers and freelancers.

Bernadette was confident and comfortable as she took the center stage and started her workshop on ‘Presenting for Influence’.  Her energy was infectious and, in a matter of seconds, she had us all listening. Activities, exercises, tips, tricks, humor – we didn’t realize the workshop was for a good hour, yet we wanted more.

The workshop covered numerous aspects of presentation including -

  • Importance of research before preparing the presentation
  • How should a presentation be structured
  • How important the first few seconds can be – you can either lose or win the audience in those first few seconds
  • Opening lines and statements – examples, how to use them; we were also asked to prepare our own opening statements
  • Interacting with the audience – what questions to ask to keep them engaged, how to get the audience interested in what you have to say
  • Telling a story through the presentation

Of particular interest (for me) was storytelling through the presentation. Bernadette reiterated that ‘stories connect, facts don’t’, which is what I strive to do when preparing any presentation and encourage clients to do as well. She gave us a six step story structure that would help create a well-rounded story. As an activity, we were asked to volunteer – tell a story (real-life) in front of the audience. Two of us volunteered and we spoke about our career changes and how far we’ve come in our respective positions. We won a book from Bernadette for the story and for the courage to speak up as well – Secrets of online entrepreneurs.

By Perth Media Creative & Digital Consultant Andal Shreedaran

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