
Adapters: Perth Complete Feng Shui Master Tells How Houses Win and Lose Money

Complete Feng Shui's Michele Vos Castle

Complete Feng Shui's Michele Vos Castle

People buying new homes in Perth’s sprawling outer suburbs may be putting their relationships, health and wealth at risk, according to businesswoman Michele Vos Castle.

“The newer the home and the further the suburb is in distance from the City of Perth, the weaker the luck seems to be from a relationship,  health and cashflow point of view,” she says.

Ms Vos Castle is a Master of Feng Shui, the art of harmonising buildings with environment and natural elements. Her business, Complete Feng Shui, fuses that knowledge with Chinese astrology.

Many new homes in Perth are long and thin with rear laneways and small front yards, she says. Such properties have trouble capturing and holding Feng Shui energy.

“If a home cannot capture and hold its energy then it can’t tap into its health or relationship luck and it also can’t hold its money luck,” she says. Those homeowners must work harder to make money and hold relationships.

Better home design and town planning fixes the problem, she says. People building a new home should consult Feng Shui when the block is still bare.

Ms Vos Castle advises corporate clients on locations for business premises and how to create and improve existing environments, which includes designs for business cards.

Residential clients learn how to create harmonious homes and improve the chances of selling them. Behavioural issues in children are addressed as well as clients’ health, wealth and happiness.

Ms Vos Castle talks from experience. Years ago, she hired a consultant “to Feng Shui” her then home as well as her dream house under construction.

Happiness was abundant in her old home but her marriage failed in the luxurious new one. She intensified her interest in Feng Shui by studying under several Masters and travelling overseas.

Fifteen years ago, she combined her newfound knowledge with pre-existing studies on interior design to launch a career teaching and advising on Feng Shui, Chinese astrology and metaphysics.

“My style is to simplify it and deal with what actions people really need to take and what they really need not worry about,” she said.

Four times a year Ms Vos Castle takes clients to Bali for five-day retreats on Feng Shui basics. “I find it’s more powerful if you take people away – there are no interruptions,” she says.

Feng Shui is a mathematical art about colour and placement, she says. “Whether you believe in it or not, you are still affected by it.”

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