Individual Practical Media Training Sessions

'Wealth of Knowledge' Testimonial: Ravensthorpe Community Resource Centre

“We received a one-on-one training session via Video Conference with Cate Rocchi from Perth Media. The training came at a great time for us as the media were seeking information from us regarding the recent floods and devastation in Ravensthorpe.

"As a result, an interview was broadcast on Triple M’s (Radio West) Rural Focus. We talked about the flood situation and also how we were assisting as a CRC. Rural Focus will be broadcasting a follow-up interview in a few weeks, and again we will be highlighting updates and also focusing on the great things that CRC’s offer to their communities. Thanks Cate for your wealth of knowledge and top tips.”

Lyndsey Unwin, Ravensthorpe Community Resource Centre manager

Perth Media's 1-hour Individual Practical Media Training Sessions, via facetime, are $350. Contact to book your session today. This session was donated as the Ravensthorpe CRC won a free training course as a prize for contributing to Linkwest's recent video conferencing feedback survey.