Partners in Grain WA Testimonial for Inspire Summit in Perth

Perth Media help attract press coverage for client Partners in Grain WA in The Weekend Australian's Business Pulse of the Nation; The Countryman; Farming Ahead Online; ABC Mid West; ABC Great Southern; and ABC South West.

"Partners in Grain WA recently held a Summit that had limited opportunity for participants to attend and was not open to the general public, however the importance of the event being held and the learnings coming out of it were relevant and valuable to the wider industry. Engaging Perth Media was instrumental in gaining state and national exposure of the Summit, its key achievements, awareness of our organisation and our ability to exceed sponsors expectations. Cate’s PR skills turned our relatively small event into a positive national news story for the farming sector and wider agricultural and business sectors."
Erin Green, coordinator, Partners in Grain WA
From left: Todd Charteris (national manager of Rabobank); Erin Green (Partners in Grain WA coordinator); Steve Kelly (acting WA manager of Rabobank); and Laura Grubb (speaker, Youth-Ag delegate and WA Agvocate). Picture: Perth Media

From left: Todd Charteris (national manager of Rabobank); Erin Green (Partners in Grain WA coordinator); Steve Kelly (acting WA manager of Rabobank); and Laura Grubb (speaker, Youth-Ag delegate and WA Agvocate). Picture: Perth Media