Captivate On Hold products to Roll Out on the Faroe Islands: Perth Tech Company Expands Global Reach

Perth Technology Company Captivate on Hold has done a deal with Foroya Tele, near Iceland. Picture: Supplied.

Perth Technology Company Captivate on Hold has done a deal with Foroya Tele, near Iceland. Picture: Supplied.

PERTH: In a WA technology first, Captivate On Hold, has an reached an agreement, worth potentially more than $20,000, with the remote Faroe Island-based telecoms company, Føroya Tele, near Iceland.

Føroya Tele has initially purchased the unique Captivate On Hold enhancement for Music/Messages on Hold in Hosted PBX/Hosted VoIP/Hosted Voice platforms for use in their own business.  Føroya Tele will then offer the product to more than 200 of its clients on the islands.

 Captivate On Hold CEO Mark Horwood said: “The Faroe Islands deal is important as it is the first telco in the world that has come to the decision that they should go exclusively with Captivate.

 “In a crowded market, it takes considerable time to get the message across to large telcos on the other side of the world. But this proves that our Australian technology is the best and that Australia is a reliable and safe provider. At Captivate On Hold, we are hopeful that getting this deal will give confidence to the more than dozen telcos in North America and Europe with whom we are currently working, and they too will eventually trust our world-leading, innovative products, developed right here in Perth. Products which have been proven to keep people on hold and therefore increase the sales of companies’ goods and services.”

The team at Captivate On Hold first met representatives from Føroya Tele at a Global telecommunications trade show in Phoenix Arizona and the deal was agreed this month.

Background Faroe Islands: The Faroe Islands is a self-governing archipelago, part of the Kingdom of Denmark. It comprises 18 rocky, volcanic islands between Iceland and Norway in the North Atlantic Ocean and is known for its outstanding natural beauty.


Captivate On Hold

CEO Mark Horwood,; + 61 (08) 9368 7511 Mobile +61 418 921044

Perth Media, Cate Rocchi,; +61 (0) 428431699